I don’t know if everyone feels the same dizzying effects as I have when I’ve heard those dreaded words. You know the words—those words you never thought you’d have to hear, the diagnosis that you only read in articles that apply to others, not you. Maybe you had to read the words, but more likely, someone had to be the messenger and tell you. Suddenly through those words, our lives change. Those words have become a part of our stories.
Unclean Christmas?
Originally posted Advent, 2016...
Every year around Thanksgiving, my Facebook feed fills up with reasons why you shouldn’t do the Elf on the Shelf, why you should do Elf on the Shelf, why we should give our kids only 4 presents, why we shouldn’t have a Christmas tree, why we should believe in Santa, why we shouldn’t believe in Santa, and on and on the articles go. If you know me personally, you know I have strong opinions and probably an opinion on all of the above, but I often keep those to myself (or share with my poor husband!); they’re beside the point.
So what’s right? How should we celebrate Christmas this year?
The Promise of Advent
Originally posted Advent, 2016...
My mother did a great job at Advent and creating traditions. We had candles we lit every night, Bible verses we recited every evening, an advent calendar, and many other things that created a wonder land of excitement leading up to Christmas day! Her children, in turn, have all created our own advent traditions including calendars, wreathes, activities, and so on.
Being Known
I remember years back at a get-togethers with some close friends, the husband walked in our house and said, Huh. I didn’t know you listened to this kind of music. I thought you only listened to one kind of music. I immediately defended myself and explained that of course I liked different kinds of music and, of course, I only have one kind of music on during the day because my children are so little, on and on I bumbled. Fast forward a few years to another get-together with another couple of close friends and a different husband says, Huh. I thought you’d need a nap today. I thought you were just like me that way. Again, I responded with flustered responses and a hint of irritation. Hopefully he didn’t notice…
The Dreaded Pile
There’s a pile in our house that I cannot control, no matter how much time I invest. Even when I get to the bottom of the pile, the next hour or day it fills up again. It sounds like a great metaphor for the idols in our hearts, but it’s actually the dreaded ironing pile. You see, in Germany, a dryer is not an everyday appliance. In the States, a dryer is as important and normal as a refrigerator, but here it’s the exception to the rule. So while I do have a dryer (thank goodness!), it’s not as powerful as in the States and I have to iron all my husband’s work shirts, pants, jeans, and all our dresses for us girls. I’m sure others have a bigger pile than mine so I won’t compare, but for me the ironing is one of the chores I have a hard time getting a grip on.